Elon Musk Trading Platform

There is no doubt about it, Elon Musk is definitely the number one personality when it comes to inspiring people in business. Although Bill Gates has been dipping his toes in the AI and innovation water recently, he just does not compare to Elon Musk when it comes to breezy cool innovative ideas and refreshing thinking. Windows and MS Office have, after all, always been considered lukewarm when it comes to quality computer apps, they are just considered to be apps that arrived at the right time at the right price. And this is why we see ads like the ones below


And here is the danger, his name is a great way to get a 'foot in the door' with many people who just assume that if Elon is attached then it is a good bet and it is time to invest. 

So an advert on a trusted medium like FaceBook or Twitter with Elon's face and name or company name is a definitely quality click, right? Wrong! This is the number one way that many of the scammers running boiler room frauds or offshore illegal share-brokerage houses are operating, and it is bringing them results!

One of the reasons that so many people are being taken in is that they have used an old television interview from when he was introducing the Boring Company and touting Tesla to the American people. The interview was a big success and saw the Tesla share price rise 400% in August 2019.

Now the way that they use this interview is to substitute the original script with one of their own. They do this by simply adding text below photos to suggest that the interview was about a different subject altogether. What was that subject? Well the Elon Musk Trading Platform of course!

The script that appears on the boiler room scam page is very different from the original interview, as it suggests that Elon is touting a new app that makes anyone money online from their phones at any time! Now all of this sounds a bit ridiculous, and if it did not have the names and the images accompanying the script, people would laugh it off, but when you see the page, it is quite convincing, in this copy made by the sircles.net blog the text has been altered to protect the innocent:

As you can see in the above, Gail King, the employee of the network, who undoubtedly earns a very decent salary, is supposed to have been persuaded to install an app on her phone whilst the show is running live. Now this is impossible as they do not broadcast these interviews live, they are recorded and broadcast later when the show is aired. The producers would have agreed a script in advance and everyone would then sign a release agreeing to their edit of the interview. There is no opportunity for unexpected television traffic being broadcast across the whole of the US, this would be most unwelcome.